Statue removal was the right move

On Wednesday, Sept. 8, the towering statue of Robert E. Lee was taken down in the city of Richmond. Shortly after its removal, cheers erupted in the streets exhibiting the relief that communities felt after…

Godwin bands bring the hype

To the culture of Godwin, both the Pep Band and Marching Band are important. The groups are often staples at sporting events and pep rallies and they help liven up the atmosphere. Seniors Walker Williams…

We got the beat back at this year’s homecoming!

Homecoming is something that many high school students and staff members look forward to. The events of homecoming create memories that will last a lifetime. Homecoming has five main events that span across a week:…

Volleyball coach battles against kidney disease

Every person grows up wanting to be something. In this case, Godwin’s girls’ volleyball coach, Chris Wakefield, grew up wanting to be a fighter pilot in the Air Force. He was set to join the…

Godwin teens fill the unemployment void

During the pandemic, many companies had to let go of workers because of the lockdown. In April 2020, the unemployment rate reached 14.8 percent, the highest it had reached since 1948.  With all of the…

How Eagle Scout projects affect the Godwin Community

Every Boy Scout that wishes to achieve an Eagle Scout title must complete all their requirements for the program and create a specific project. The project revolves around something meaningful to the scout. Sean Regan,…

Godwin teacher does work in Alaska

Last year Godwin’s science department chair and physics teacher Micheal Fetsko received the R.E.B. Award for Teaching Excellence. With the grant money from the R.E.B. award, Fetsko had the privilege to visit Alaska and many…

New coaches bring enthusiasm to Godwin

Every year, there is change around Godwin athletics. Some athletes leave and graduate while others decide the sport is not for them any more. Some coaches find new jobs or decide to retire.  The Godwin…

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