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Restaurants during COVID-19

40,957 deaths have been caused by the Coronavirus. Because of that, many restaurants have made changes affecting their procedures and employees during this stressful time.     To dive deeper into this, I have decided to…

Retiring and departing teachers

By Gracie Lienemann and Susanna Shepard The 2019 to 2020 school year came to an abrupt ending, unlike any other school year that students and teachers have ever experienced. Similar to other school years, however,…

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The effects of quarantine on the environment

The effects of Covid-19 have changed the way we live. Not only has the virus shifted our daily routines, but it has also altered the natural world around us.  Quarantine has decreased our ability to…

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How online work has effected student worth ethic

On March 23, Governor Ralph Northam declared that K-12 schools would be closed in response to the Coronavirus outbreak, because of this, the school system’s new online learning platform took effect.   With online learning, school…

Remembering lost Eagle’s legacy

Logo for the Tyler Wentz Memorial Golf Classic. photo In 2015, Godwin and its community endured the loss of a bright light when Tyler Wentz passed away in a body-surfing accident. People who knew…

Students take part in local politics

Rodman (l) with first volunteer of the month, Shaily Pal. photo courtesy Students for Debra For most people, their political mark on the world does not start until the day they turn 18 and can…

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A Life of Influence

Remembering Godwin band teacher Leon Auman How do you define a great teacher? Someone who cares about their students as people, wants to further their students’ education or someone who shows a passion for teaching…

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Godwin goes digital with new marquee

While students were enjoying their days off during the snow days before break, Godwin High School was undergoing some significant changes. On Dec. 19 and 20, Godwin’s previous ‘changeable letter’ marquee in front of the…

Godwin teacher builds his own house

Choosing to move into a new house can be a long process that requires a great deal of planning and thought. This could not be more true for Godwin English as a Second Language (ESL)…

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Eyrie News Brief – Feb. 2019

Eagle News Godwin Performs “Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind” This weekend, Godwin thespians will be performing the play “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind” by Greg Allen. The show consists…

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