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Godwin’s library goes virtual

Stocked with an assortment of books, printers, and other materials, the Godwin library provides students with resources and a place to spend time during school. The pandemic, however, has forced the library to move to…


Each September, the Godwin community comes together to select a senior as the Most Valuable Eagle (MVE). Seniors are first nominated by their classmates. Students who receive the most votes are then voted on by…

Godwin’s transition to online school

On July 23, Henrico County announced for the first time ever, students would not be going back to school in person. Instead, they would learn from their homes. Back in the spring, students across the…

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News Brief – Sept. 2020

Eagle news: Over the summer, the Axselle track and field at Godwin were redone for the first time since opening.  Construction began right before the school year ended and continued throughout quarantine.  Each summer, a…

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Mental Health at Godwin during Quarantine

School has been cancelled for the remainder of the school year and whether there is school or not students will always struggle with their mental health. “Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being….

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Mills E. Godwin Today

Many older high school students have a job in order to earn money for themselves. That number has dropped drastically since the coronavirus has caused some businesses to close. Although some high school students have…

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The Future of the SAT

Since 1926, the SAT has been a large part of the college admissions process in America. Recently, more colleges, such as the University of Virginia, the University of Illinois (UIS), and UC Santa Barbra, have…

Some Godwin good news

During these difficult and confusing times, the media has become an overwhelming reminder of our everyday struggles. However, Godwin’s leadership class hopes to challenge the status quo with their new “good news” network. Students of…

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