Godwin Model UN club at ODUMUNC
story by Virginia Duley
story by Virginia Duley
Story by Olivia Carey
At the second annual Eagles’ Eyrie ping pong tournament held in Jan., seniors Will Selden and Michael Corey took home the first place trophy.
J skills correspondent, Carter Straub, writes about Godwin Senior who recently released her second album
J skills correspondet, Christine Ghoussoub, writes about Godwin FEA members placing in a competition
J skills correspondent, Kevin Richeson, writes about a Godwin Junior who recently went to Super Bowl XLIX
J skills correspondent, Spencer Mason, writes about online classes
Godwin vs Freeman festivities
Sunday Jan. 11, the senior boys who performed in the “Senior Boys’ Homecoming Dance” earlier in the year performed their dance again in front of a packed crowd for a half time show at a…
List of Godwin students in the all county orchestra