
Halloween Photos

Godwin seniors dress up on Friday, October 30 for Halloween Photo Sean Moeller, Trent Holt, and Kevin Crockett

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Godwin Loses Beloved Student, Tyler Wentz

On Aug. 28 in Bald Head Island, junior Tyler Wentz went bodysurfing with friend junior Schuyler Purdy and his grandfather.  After riding a wave back to shore, Purdy and his grandfather realized that Wentz was…

Senior Awards Assembly for the Class of 2015

The following is a list of the award winners and their awards: John B. McGinty Educator of the Year:  Jonathan Lauder Circle of Friends Citizenship Award:  Hannah Emery, Peyton Hall, and Cameron O’Hern Art Scholar:…

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Prom 2015

Godwin prom photos taken by Chip Carter.

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