Halloween Photos
Godwin seniors dress up on Friday, October 30 for Halloween Photo Sean Moeller, Trent Holt, and Kevin Crockett
Godwin seniors dress up on Friday, October 30 for Halloween Photo Sean Moeller, Trent Holt, and Kevin Crockett
On Aug. 28 in Bald Head Island, junior Tyler Wentz went bodysurfing with friend junior Schuyler Purdy and his grandfather. After riding a wave back to shore, Purdy and his grandfather realized that Wentz was…
Pictures from graduation on Jun. 11.
The following is a list of the award winners and their awards: John B. McGinty Educator of the Year: Jonathan Lauder Circle of Friends Citizenship Award: Hannah Emery, Peyton Hall, and Cameron O’Hern Art Scholar:…
Godwin alumni have been getting big rewards from the US government and schools like MIT.
story by staff writer Josh Rabinowitz
Godwin prom photos taken by Chip Carter.
Newly Elected congressman Dave Brat came to speak to Godwin senior’s about pressing topics and later took questions from the crowd.
Godwin Seniors were given an eagle to decorate any way they want to show their plans for college next year.
On March 15, many of Godwin’s SMT Center students traveled to Clover Hill High School to participate in the Metro Richmond STEM Fair (MRSF)
The weekend of March 21 the Godwin Robotics team competed at the Virginia Regional against 63 teams from other high schools in Virginia and as well as two teams from the Netherlands and Brazil.