Changes around Godwin
This summer, Godwin underwent its annual renovations. Major areas of the school such as the commons, library, and auditorium were the main focuses of the remodeling. The commons and the library received new tiles in…
This summer, Godwin underwent its annual renovations. Major areas of the school such as the commons, library, and auditorium were the main focuses of the remodeling. The commons and the library received new tiles in…
The Godwin Theatre Program has been an integral part of the Godwin Community for a number of years. It has positively affected the lives of students, teachers, parents, and those both within and outside the…
For most, it is rare to change career paths or college majors after finding success in a certain field. Most people go to college for one thing and then stay in that field for the…
On Monday, June 4, Godwin senior Corey O’Shea was named runner-up of the Richmond Times-Dispatch Scholar-Athlete of the Year award. First place winners included Deep Run senior Lexi Long, captain of the girls soccer team,…
As the 2017-2018 school year comes to a close, the administration is looking for new ways to improve Godwin for the coming school year. Over the summer, parts of the library, the commons, and the…
On May 11-12, “The Drowsy Chaperone” premiered Friday and Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Godwin High School canceled and postponed the planned show and all after school activities on…
Six teachers leave the nest after years of influence Success is not achieved overnight, brought on by a single event, or attained by the acts of a single person. In the eyes of many Godwin…
Godwin organization works to combat drug abuse within schools Today, addiction touches the lives of many, even the Godwin community. The desire for change led to the creation of Project Purple Project Purple is a…
On March 14 between 500 and 600 Godwin students participated in the National School Walkout. The walkout was organized by several Godwin seniors in response to the school shooting that occurred at Major E Stoneman…
On Thursday March 1 Godwin held its annual Variety Show, displaying the talent among the students. This year’s show was sponsored by the Junior Student Council Association, science teachers Heather Martin and Jessica Boppe, and…