Articles by yorkwa

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“Carmina Burana” brings Godwin music department together

On Thursday, April 10 within Godwin’s packed auditorium, audience members were given a treat that only comes around every 4 years. Weeks of hard work and practice had led Godwin’s entire music department up to this date to play their rendition of “Carmina Burana.”

Godwin students participate in poetry day

On Thursday, April 11, Godwin held its annual Poetry Day celebration, with more than one hundred students and teachers participating.

Poetry Day is an event run by the school’s literary magazine, Reverse Images. Students recite poems before a crowd of their peers throughout the day.

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Godwin student “photo bombs” Dick Vitale

Godwin student Nick Grossman went to the 2014 ACC tournament on Saturday March, 15.  Before the game, Grossman went closer to the court to get a good look at the players. What he saw was…

Governor Bob McDonnell visits Godwin

On Dec. 12, Governor Bob McDonnell visited Godwin High School to speak about school safety. There has been a big focus on school safety ever since the Sandy Hook Shooting occurred in Connecticut a year ago.

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