Conducting the path to success

As leader of the marching band, it is important for a Drum Major to be qualified and dedicated to their position, aiding the band in their path to success. 

Kendall Payne, Godwin senior, currently holds the position of leading Drum Major, which she applied for at the end of her sophomore year.

Drum Majors must conduct and give the band commands during performances, carrying the responsibility for maintaining order within the band. Off the field, Drum Majors hold leadership positions during practices such as carrying out the band director’s instructions and ensuring that the band stays organized and on task.

Payne decided she wanted to be Drum Major when she first began marching band in eighth grade. 

During her first years, she learned from previous Drum Majors and their skills, helping her during her application.

The application process for Drum Major includes an interview alongside command calling and conducting. 

When giving advice to those interested in this position, Payne says, “Just go for it. It can feel very intimidating to go through the audition process and eventually lead the band, but it is 100% worth it in the end.” 

As Drum Major, Payne has formed valuable relationships with other marchers and staff, which were made possible by her role in Godwin’s marching band. 

The strong support system has made her experience “ten times better.” Additionally, being Drum Major has improved Payne’s work ethic in band as well as in school. 

The time consuming nature of band emphasizes the importance of managing schoolwork and other responsibilities proactively.

Payne’s strategy includes finishing the majority of her schoolwork during the day, preventing mass amounts of unfinished work after marching band practices. 

She also puts marching band first, placing her other extracurricular activities on the “back burner,” especially from August to October. 

Outside of band, Payne enjoys dancing, which she has done throughout high school. She participates in other Godwin clubs and honor societies such as NHS, Tri-M, French Club, and BETA. Additionally, she loves different types of arts.

Drum Major also requires the ability to separate having fun and working hard within the band. Payne says, “Marching Band can be a super enjoyable activity where you get to hang out with your friends and have a good time. 

However, there is also a time for locking in and putting in your best effort to improve the band’s performance.” As one of the lead examples for the band, it is important to prioritize this balance.

Payne is proud of the progress that Godwin’s marching band has made and the milestones they have accomplished. 

She says, “It is truly crazy how in 3 months we can go from teaching new members and foundations of marching to winning grand champions at a competition.”

In college, Payne hopes to continue her journey in marching band. As a career, her interests lie in majoring in environmental science and later pursuing a career in wildlife preservation.

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