Leadership Class Strives for Inclusivity

Godwin holds many events to promote inclusivity, but many people don’t realize that students are behind this positive effort. 

The Principles of Leadership class, taught by Godwin history teacher Rebecca Martino since 2016, is a student-led class that coordinates school events such as powderpuff games, dodgeball tournaments, spirit weeks, and pep rallies. Students are specially selected through applications to be members of the class. 

The class holds core values of integrity, conscientious service, and school pride. Martino expects her students to be “positive role models both inside and outside of the classroom.” 

The leadership students are divided into groups and assigned roles and events to coordinate. They use GroupMe to connect outside of school and work together to ensure all the committees are working towards planning a successful event. Godwin senior Lev Nagel said, “There’s little teacher involvement,” and “It’s so much more satisfying when things go great because it was us.”

The leadership class includes all the students’ unique leadership styles. Godwin senior Olivia Savage expressed, “I may not be very talkative, but the class taught me how to be a leader in other ways.” In addition, Martino asks teachers to give applications to students they think would be a good fit for the class, which adds diversity to who’s in the class.

While the leadership students promote inclusivity in their classroom, they also promote it within the Godwin community. 

One example is the Mr. MG pageant. Savage explained how it allows boys to express themselves in a safe environment where they otherwise wouldn’t.

Godwin senior Lev Nagel stated, “[The leadership class] always make[s] sure they pick people that represent Godwin as a whole for pep rally games, not just people they know.” Students may feel left out if they feel like the same friend groups play in pep rally games. 

In addition, the leadership class congratulates and recognizes the achievements of a variety of organizations, clubs, and sports teams. They announce the accomplishments of specific students during pep rallies and shout out sports teams for playing well. 

Several school-wide elections are held to nominate and elect homecoming and prom court, and dance and spirit week themes. This gives students a voice in who/what represents the Godwin community. 

People who don’t make sports teams can participate in the dodgeball tournament and girls can play football in the powderpuff games. 

The widespread inclusivity promoted by the leadership class undoubtedly serves as a foundation for the Godwin community. 

Lauren Donald

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