Future teachers from Godwin help nurture bright students

Without education, where would students be today? Teachers provide support and guidance to every child. Some Godwin students would like to become that support for future generations to come.

Teachers for Tomorrow (TFT) is a program at Godwin that allows students who want to have a career in  education gain more experience in the field. 

Sharon Womble, a CTE instructor at Godwin, leads the program. 

PrimeTime RVA was an event that was held on the afternoon of April 28 for TFT students at Greenwood Elementary in Glen Allen.

“PRIMETIME RVA’s [purpose] is to provide a social skills competition that allows students to gain real life experiences to better prepare them for life outside school walls,” said Womble.

Womble was one one the coordinators for the event. 

“On April 28 the teams [came] together and competed in ten competitions, but the students did not know the topics. They had to think quickly on their feet. The competitions ranged from teaching a cooking class, a debate topic, TED talk, selling a product, etc. There were 48 students participating from Henrico Elementary schools,” said Womble. 

The students involved in the TFT one and two programs were the ones proctoring and judging the competition. They, along with a student teacher and a teacher at Greenwood, oversaw the competition.

Womble also adds how students came to be involved in the program itself. 

“There are six elementary schools participating with teams of eight students.  The students had to go through a process to be selected,” said Womble.

“This is the first time we have done this in our county. We hope that the event will go countywide next year for all elementary and middle schools,” said Womble.

Most of the students from both programs participated, but two students in particular stood out to Womble. 

MaryKate Mandeville, a senior at Godwin involved in PrimeTime RVA at Greenwood, speaks on how she experienced and participated in the event. 

“[PrimeTime RVA] went great! The transition between schools coming into each room was smooth, and the children were all prepared for the competition,” Mandeville said. 

Mandeville also highlights the moments she most enjoyed at the PrimeTime event. 

“My favorite part was meeting all the kids. As a fourth or fifth grader, I know I would never have been able to do what these kids were doing. It was really impressive, and I had fun testing their skills. It was really cool seeing each personality shine through when they walked into my room, and I loved being a part of their PrimeTime RVA experience,” said Mandeville.

Mandeville’s role was a judge in the ‘Starbucks Room’, a simulation meant to challenge the participants on their social skills.   

 “Each student that came in [to the room] encountered a manager, two employees, and customers at Starbucks. As the manager, I had to ask the students why they were late, what happened, and what they were going to change in the future. As an employee, I had to warn them that the manager was looking for them and help them clear off tables. As a customer, I tested them on how they interacted with someone in a restaurant. It was really cool seeing their quick-thinking skills and how they reacted to me in each role,” said Mandeville. 

Mandeville has been involved with TFT for her entire senior year. She joined to gain experience in a physical classroom to prepare for her future career.

Mandeville plans to go to James Madison University next year to major in music. She aspires to be a music teacher in the future.   

Alice Joss, a junior in the TFT Program, describes what she loved the most while participating at Greenwood and interacting with the students there at Greenwood.  

Joss occupied a similar role to Mandeville, as a judge in Starbucks, working with the fourth and fifth graders directly. 

“My favorite students to work with were the ones who were having fun. Some kids had so much fun and took the scenario in a new and different way than we experienced before. They were the most creative students,” said Joss.

According to Womble, Joss, and Mandeville, all thought that the PrimeTime RVA was a successful event, and they all hope it goes well in years to come. 

“My experience with PrimeTime RVA was extremely enjoyable, and if I can help out next year, I would love to do so. I’m so happy I was a part of the first PrimeTime RVA, and I cannot wait to watch it expand in the next few years,” said Mandeville.  

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