Emma Ford Freshman at William & Mary
What are some major differences between high school and college?
Freedom! It has been a couple months, and I still sit in awe when a student just stands up in class and walks to the bathroom without asking. Hopefully, I will be brave enough to do so by senior year.
On average how many hours are you in class per week?
10 hours and 40 minutes

Charlotte Zerbst Freshman at George Washington University
Do you have any words of advice to seniors applying to colleges now?
My biggest advice would be to not put other people’s expectations in front of what you truly want. Instead of freaking out about having a perfect application, I wish I had spent more time thinking about where I wanted to be and how that place would fit my personality.
Are any of your classes similar to your Godwin classes?
The biggest difference is size. In my classes at Godwin there were never above 30 people; here most of my classes are about 100 people.

Nick Prinz
Freshman at UVA
How has Godwin prepared you for college?
The major difference for me is that I have had more free time to do whatever I want. I did not expect to have a schedule with very little regiment to it.
Do you have any words of advice to seniors applying to colleges now?
I don’t have too much advice other than focus on the essays. When applying, a major priority is making yourself stand out and seem very unique. That will significantly increase your chances of being accepted.

Alex Aldridge
Freshman at Utah Valley University
How does it feel living so far from home?
I like it and hate it. I miss my family a lot but it’s nice to be on my own and grow as a person.
Do you have any words of advice to seniors applying to colleges now?
Y’all, don’t trip too much if you don’t get in. Don’t be upset, transfers exist and people want you to be successful. Just be yourself, you’ll learn what makes you happy.

Hadley Holden
Freshman at UNC-Wilmington
Have you continued any clubs from Godwin?
I am in a sorority here. It is actually quite similar to Keyettes, which I was really involved in at Godwin. Being in a sorority is basically a large group of strong women who work toward community service goals with a little more ritual involved. I’m also still super involved in Young
Life here on campus.
What are some major differences between high school and college?
In college you have SO MUCH more free time. I now have extra time to get my work done.

Sarah York
Freshman at Virginia Tech
How has Godwin prepared you for college?
I think Godwin prepared me really well for college; a lot of the classes are about the same level of difficulty or easier.
Are any of your college classes similar to your Godwin classes?
My classes are a similar level of difficulty or easier in college as they were at Godwin but the major difference is that instead of taking a wide range of classes like math, science, English, and history, I am taking four business classes and one [general education].
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