photo courtesy Joe Mustachio
John (math) and Joe (11) Mustachio
What are some of the differences you see in your high school experience versus your child’s experience?
Most people had no idea that the Internet existed, and I attended a high school with double the population in the DC Metro area.
What is it like having your child go to the same school in which you teach?
It is a unique opportunity to see my children in a light that most parents do not have the opportunity to experience.
Have you taught your child?
Joe took AP Computer Science with me as I am the only teacher that teaches APCS. I enjoyed it. He did a great job in the class and I got to see more of him each school day.
What is your favorite memory with your child at school?
In general, it has been great to see both of my sons grow as people.
What is your favorite memory with your parent at school?
I really like going out to eat with my dad on half days. Normally we get gyros at this Greek restaurant near the school, but towards the end of last year we went to Glory Days so we could watch the Euro Cup while we ate.
Have you ever had your parent as a teacher?
I had my dad as a teacher for AP Computer Science last year. It was interesting. We both avoided calling each other by name so that other students wouldn’t feel awkward (I think it took a couple months before most people in the class realized).
Do you enjoy having your parent work at your school?
I definitely like having my dad work at Godwin. I like getting to hang out with him more, and I can talk to him in the halls as well.

photo courtesy Alex Fletcher
John (math) and Alex (9) Fletcher
What are some of the differences you see in your high school experience versus your child’s experience?
Godwin is such an amazing school. It is very easy to become involved in a variety of different activities. It is also a very strong community with tremendous school spirit.
What is it like having your child go to the same school that you teach at?
It is fantastic. I feel very lucky to be teaching in the same school that she attends.
What is your favorite memory with your child at school?
She is only a freshman, however, I really enjoy our ride to school together each day.
Do you enjoy having your parent work at your school?
I like going to the same school that my dad works at because I can go to his room whenever I need anything such as a bottle of water, a snack, or gum. I can also leave my textbooks in his room…I kind of use his room as a locker.

photo courtesy Beth Ann Mordica
Mary (English) and Beth Ann (12) Mordica
What are some of the differences you see in your high school experience versus your child’s experience?
My daughter has much more access to information/technology than I did. Her teachers are infinitely more approachable than mine were.
What is it like having your child go to the same school in which you teach?
Once I started teaching at Godwin I knew I wanted my children to go here. This is an excellent school- and I really love that we can be here together. Even though I don’t see my daughter too often during the day, I love knowing we are under the same roof. I think it’s pretty cool that both of my children had Mrs. Lauder as an English teacher because I taught her when she was a student here.
What is your favorite memory with your child at school?
I started teaching here when my children were four and one, so they grew up in this building. For years I worked on the Variety Show, Mr. MG, and assisted with school plays. My children were props in many shows and felt cool when they hung out here late night for rehearsals backstage with high school kids. Also, my daughter and I have done Poetry Day together which is special for me as an English teacher and as her mom. With my son, my favorite memory was his winning the soccer state championship- it was amazing on so many levels as well.
What is your favorite memory with your parent at school?
My mother used to be in charge of Mr. MG and she would take me to every rehearsal. So the guys who were in it would let me be in the skits and I would get to escort them during the show. After the show was over they would give my mother and myself flowers on stage in front of everyone.
Do you enjoy having your parent work at your school?
Yes! It’s the best thing ever, especially considering I am super forgetful, so when I forget to get a permission slip signed or something like that I just have to run down the hall. Also, my mom is my best friend and when I’m having a bad day it’s nice to be able to give her a hug in between classes to cheer me up.

photo courtesy Dillion Thomas
Hunter (business and marketing) and Dillon (12) Thomas
What are some of the differences you see in your high school experience versus your child’s experience?
When I went to Godwin we were the first class to start as freshmen. There were definitely not as many students here and I feel that school spirit is much more important now than it was then.
What is it like having your child go to the same school in which you teach?
I love having my children here at Godwin. My oldest son, Jake, really did not have much to do with me at school, where as Dillon is in my room as much as possible.
Have you taught your child?
Yes, I have taught both. I am the only Microsoft IT Academy teacher and both of my kids took my class.
What is your favorite memory with your child at school?
My favorite memories of my boys have to do with Godwin sports and crowds chanting “Daddy’s boy” at my children.
What is your favorite memory with your parent at school?
Being able to play against him in the Student/Faculty basketball game.
Have you ever had your parent as a teacher?
Yes, I had him my freshman year in his Microsoft applications class. It was different having him as a teacher, but it had its pros. It helped that I had all of my friends in that one class. It was probably worse for him than it was for me.
Do you enjoy having your parent work at your school?
I like having him here at school because whenever I need something, I can go straight to him.

photo courtesy Wyndham White
Rob (math) and Wyndham (9) White
What are some of the differences you see in your high school experience versus your child’s experience?
My school was only 100 kids per grade, so my kids’ school is much bigger. We were mostly white kids at my school, so there’s a lot more diversity at Godwin. My school also had ton of tall windows. Wow, I miss those windows!
What is it like having your child go to the same school in which you teach?
I love it. I get to see them a bunch and they’re never too embarrassed to see me. Before my wife and I decided to move into the Godwin district when we got married, I asked some teachers who had kids at Godwin and most of them said it was wonderful. I’d agree.
Have you taught your child?
I did teach my daughter in Honors Geometry her freshman year. Biggest question people asked us was “Is that allowed?” It is allowed and it was wonderful. She’s a quiet kid, so halfway through the year most of the kids in the room had no idea she was my daughter. Pretty funny. And I don’t think she ever asked me a geometry question at home. That’s probably not what people would have guessed.
What is your favorite memory with your child at school?
Lots. I loved how Ali would come to my room at 3:55 p.m. and sit in the back doing work while I finished up my day. I loved watching Ali grow into an important member of her class and really help people. I loved watching Ali form valuable relationships with her wonderful teachers. Wyndham’s only been at Godwin one year, but I’ve loved spying on him in his classes and watching him do stats/scorebook for varsity football and basketball.
What is your favorite memory with your parent at school?
My favorite memory is probably when my dad was my substitute for health class because it was really interesting and just overall pretty funny.
Do you enjoy having your parent work at your school?
Overall, I think it has its advantages and disadvantages. Free donuts and rides to school are probably the best part, but the increased expectations can be pressuring.
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