- Nayla Labban is awarded the Linhardt Scholarship
- Jonathan Lauder (l) is presented the John McGinty Teacher of the Year award by former principal John McGinty.
- Emily Walker valedictorian and Gus Beane salutatorian
- Assistant principal Leigh Dunnavant presents Elizabeth Dudley the Richmond Times Dispatch High School Journalist of the Year award.
- The 2014-2015 SCA officers with the newly elected 2015-2016 SCA officers.
- State champions Mark Lawrence and Sarah Goodrich are named Male and Female Athletes of the Year.
- Justin Walligora receives his commission to attend the United States Air Force Academy.
The following is a list of the award winners and their awards:
John B. McGinty Educator of the Year: Jonathan Lauder
Circle of Friends Citizenship Award: Hannah Emery, Peyton Hall, and Cameron O’Hern
Art Scholar: Kaitlin Marie
Art Excellence: Nathan Eggleston
Business Scholar: Joshua Owens
Business Excellence: Ryan Grubbs
English Scholar: Katherine Maddock
English Excellence: Katherine Moss
Family and Consumer Sciences Scholar: Haley Malloy
Family and Consumer Sciences Excellence: Caroline Sisson
Marketing Scholar: Casey Duff
Marketing Excellence: Akua-Serwah Twumasi
Mathematics Scholar: Shawn Rosenthal
Mathematics Excellence: Najwa Labban
Music (Instrumental) Scholar: Daniel Koontz
Music (Instrumental) Excellence: Emily Bartholomew
Music (Vocal) Scholar: Ann Warren Harless
Music (Vocal) Excellence: Ben Atkinson
Science Scholar: Helen Jung
Science Excellence: Keerthana Shankar
Science, Math, and Technology Center Scholar: Nayla Labban
Science, Math, and Technology Center Excellence: Lauren Gebhardt
Social Studies Scholar: Abie Hewitt
Social Studies Excellence: Melanie Wyle
Technology Excellence: Alexis Locklear
Spanish Scholar: Ali Fay
Spanish Excellence: Hannah Lyons
French Scholar: Sarah Goodrich
German Scholar: Adam Craig
Latin Scholar: Abie Hewitt
Excellent Attendance Awards: Brendan Brogan, Nicholas Clement, Michael Hurst, Mariah Ingengi, Daniel Koontz, Kristina Matt, Michael Oseguera, Shawn Rosenthal, Tyler Roy, Jatin Vermuri, and Melanie Wylie
Superintendent’s Scholar Awards: Gus Beane, Stephen Bowe, Brendan Bogan, Ashley Chapman, Trevor Davidson, Monika Devanaboyina, Ali Fay, Tarun Goswami, Andrew Greenwood, John Hetzer, Brandon Hiner, Devin Jones, Helen Jung, Anne Kresge, Najwa Labban, Nayla Labban, Rohan Matthew, Nathan McBarron, Jonathan Medley, Pranay Nuvvala, Inyoung Park, Mitchell Pei, Sofia Piracha, Emily Randolph, Sruthie Rathnam, Shawn Rosenthal, Jonathan Samson, Bhargav Sathish, William Selden, Henry Spece, Spencer Spevak, Mounikasai Talari, Caroline Turkanis, Emily Walker, and Michael Wu
National Merit Finalists: Najwa Labban, Nayla Labban, and Jonathan Medley
College Board’s 2014-2015 National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar: Allegra Ayala
Governor’s Medallions: Laralin Roland, Matt Lambert, Maria Gergoudis, Jonathan Medley, Madi Bird, Katelyn Potter, Haley Corning, Meredith Dean, Carter Key, Jenna DuFour, Emily Walker, Henry Spece, Ann Warren Harless, Najwa Labban, Haley Malloy, Paolo Mutia, Courtney Adams, Gus Beane, Madeline Bryson, and Benjamin Cherian
The following is a list of the scholarship winners:
Linhart Scholarship: Nayla Labban
Edward Priestas Scholarship: Helen Jung
Lakewood Manor Scholarship: Laralin Roland
Reynolds Community College Board Scholarship: Marin Walters
Brandon De Angelo Memorial Scholarship: Nathan Eggleston
Katherine E. Hopwood Memorial Scholarship: Katherine Moss
Mani Deep Kamineni Memorial Scholarship: Pranay Nuvvala
Nikki Karam Memorial Scholarship: Haley Corning
J.P. Parsley Memorial Scholarship: Ryan Grubbs
Lucy Saladino Memorial Scholarship: Madeline Bryson and Meredith Dean
Matthew Veazey Memorial Scholarship: Robin Owens
Kendall Whitaker Memorial Scholarship: Jessica Curbeira
Governor James S. Gilmore, III Future Educator Scholarship: Meredith Dean
Ron Axselle Scholarship: Maria Gergoudis
Bill Browning Scholarship: Cody Viles, Ryan Niblock, Navia Higgins, and Hannah Lyons
William P. Gorman Health and P.E. Scholarship: Ryan Mullins
Godwin PTSA Scholarship: Elizabeth Dudley, Carter Key, Meredith Dean, Taylor McDonald, Rhiannon Saydlowski, and Kate Martelino
Godwin Athletic Association Henshaw Scholarship: Amirah Anderson
John B. McGinty Scholarship: Meredith Dean
Pinchbeck Elementary School’s Marybeth Graff Scholarship: Amirah Anderson
Byrd Middle School Dr. Lonnie E. Gailes Scholarship: Janice Guinn and Carter Key
The Daniel Bird Memorial Scholarship: Sarah Goodrich and Taylor McDonald
SCA Scholarship: Emily Reynolds
The following are the special honors presented at the ceremony:
Recognition of U.S. Military Enlistees: Abigail Bowman (Army), Brandon Brown (Marines), Talbott Holloway (Army), Saree Porter (Air Force), and Tristan Tate (Army)
Appointment to United States Air Force Academy: Justin Waligora
Richmond Times Dispatch High School Journalism Award: Elizabeth Dudley
Teacher Scholars Program: Meredith Dean and Katelin Nolan
Male Athlete of the Year: Mark Lawrence
Female Athlete of the Year: Sarah Goodrich
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