Winter sports previews

Boys Indoor Track

  • Coach: Jonathan Lauder
  • Last year’s finish: eighth in conference
  • Captains: Zach Dalton, Sr.; Duncan Goodrich, Sr.; Ryan Mullins, Sr.; Ryan Niblock, Sr.
  • Key athletes: Dalton, Aaron D’Amato, Sr.; Mullins, Niblock
  • Key athletes lost: Julius Mills, Marquis Morris
  • Coach quote: “We’re a much better team than last year and hopefully can stay healthy. We expect to be top ten in the region and send about a half dozen kids on to the state meet.” –Lauder
  • Player quote: “I think this season has a lot of potential. We have a young team, similar to cross-country.  I’m excited for it and to see everyone excel in their event.” -Dalton

Girls Indoor Track

  • Coach: William Winston
  • Last year’s finish: second place at state meet
  • Captains: Maria Gergoudis, Sr.; Sarah Goodrich, Sr.
  • Key athletes: Caroline Behl, So.; Gergoudis, Goodrich, Rebekah Greene, So.; Madison Philhower, Jr.
  • Key athletes lost: Bria Anderson, Marin Bader, Katharine Benfer, Hannah Bullen
  • Coach quote: “We have two athletes that should compete for state titles in Sarah Goodrich and Madison Philhower and several others that have the ability to score in the meet. If we stay healthy we should be able to finish in the top 10 at the state meet.” –Winston
  • Player quote: “We have some promising new runners which is always exciting. I think the team as a whole will be pretty strong even though we lost a lot of good seniors last year.” -Goodrich

Boys’ Basketball

  • Last year’s record: 16-7
  • Captains: Ricky Lewis, Brett Buisson, Henry Peery
  • Key players: Ricky Lewis, Brett Buisson
  • Key players lost: Jacob Kessler, Eric Engleman, Delton Dunkum, Garrett Lemilin
  • Captain’s Quote: “Last year we had a lot of talent that we lost in the senior class of 2014. With our new coaches and new teammates we’re going to have to become more the just a team so we can play as a unit and a surprise a lot of people. I have high expectations for our team this year.” –Buisson
  • Key games: Deep Run and Freeman
  • Coach’s quote: How can the team improve since last season? We should play at a faster pace this season. We have better outside shooters and quicker guards. If we can play good defense and rebound we should be successful.

Girls’ Basketball

  • Last year’s record: 13-10
  • Captains: Megan Sherman, Sara Puglisi, and Emily Reynolds
  • Key players: All of them are necessary and important to our success
  • Key players lost: Three starters lost, Samia McEachlin, Jessica martin, and Sophie Linnell
  • Key games: Highland Springs, Freeman and Deep Run
  • Captain’s Quote: “Last season we weren’t a very defensive team so that’s our main focus this year and we also need to take advantage of all the young players we have by getting them ready for the next couple years.”-Sherman
  • Coach’s quote: “The team has to adjust to a new style of play and an entire new level of expectations. When they begin to implement everything to their fullest potential than the sky is the limit. There is a lot of room for growth and our success this season depends on our mental toughness and the ability to handle all the change.


  • Head Coach: Tracy Layne and Kacy Williamson
  • Last year’s record: I believe 15-2.  3rd in conference meet with 3 girls qualifying for the Region meet
  • Captains: Amirah Anderson and Serena Coleman
  • Key players: it’s a growing year.  With only two returning girls from last year, this season is filled with a new team members.  We do have 3 girls who compete all around, Logan Gutzmer, Erika Reiter, and Amirah Anderson.
  • Key players lost:  seniors Maddy Greene, Kelly price, Mckaella grow
  • Key player quote: “We believe we can have the same success as last year even though we have a lot of new team members like myself”- Reiter
  • Key games/meets: the conference meet at the end of the season, as they are the qualifying meets to make it to the regional meet and then the state meet.
  • Coach’s quote: “It’s always hard loosing seniors and sending them off to college.  We only have 2 returning girls from last year.  We work hard each practice to improve our routines, so each meet we are looking to improve our team score.” -Williamson

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