“Carmina Burana” brings Godwin music department together

Article by: Nathan Anderson; J-1 correspondant

On Thursday, April 10 within Godwin’s packed auditorium, audience members were given a treat that only comes around every 4 years. Weeks of hard work and practice had led Godwin’s entire music department up to this date to play their rendition of “Carmina Burana.”

Band, chorus, and orchestra all worked together to make “Carmina Burana,” Latin for “Songs of Beuern,” a great musical experience. It has been a tradition for the music department every 4 years for the past 16 years to all take on a piece of music. The most recent is Carmina Burana, for the challenge presented to the directors and students, the entertainment provided for the audience and the experiences given to students who partake in it.

“It was a huge priority, we started working on the piece around late February” said Choral instructor David Clatterbuck. Band director Leon Auman said, “We do it because we think it will be a challenge for the whole music department, especially the students.” From the student’s perspective, this one opportunity they get in their high school careers to work with the other music departments is an experience most have high praise about.

The Thursday night audience seemed to have a great time watching the performance. Godwin junior Zach Buckner said “Seeing the amazing performance they put on totally amplified my soul, I had a great time.” It was quite an experience for the members of the audience as well as the student’s performers whose weeks and weeks of hard work reached a satisfactory end. “It is great to see everybody’s collective passion for music,” said junior Josh Clark.

Such great music and experiences will make for an unfortunate 4 years of waiting until there will be an opportunity to witness yet another collaboration of musical greatness by Godwin’s very own music department.


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