- Senior Maddy Greene on uneven bars.
- Senior Kelly Price performing her beam routine.
- Senior McKaella Grow doing a jump series on beam.
The Godwin gymnastics team took on rivals Deep Run, Freemen, and Glen Allen in an all-out gymnastics match Jan. 15 at Godwin.
It was the last home match for Godwin, and it was also senior night, which honored the seniors on the gymnastics team.
The match started with Godwin on the uneven bars and continued to the balance beam, floor, and then finished off on the vault.
Seniors Kelly Price, Maddy Greene, and Mckaella Grow were at their best for the whole night. There were some slip-ups which took points of the team’s score but the team pulled through in the end.
“I was happy and sad at the same time, it being senior night. I tried to stick all my routines and do the best ones of the season,” said Greene.
The final scores of the night came in with Godwin in first place with 137.7 points. Deep Run came in second with 136.35 points and Glen Allen in third with 128.65 points. Freeman got 126.8 points coming in last.
The seniors were overjoyed when the final scores of the night came in. “I was happy to be able to compete on senior night after the few injuries I have had in the past. It felt really great to be able to help our team out and grab such a great win tonight,” said Price.
The coaches were astounded and happy, “We knew the girls would pull it together and come through…they worked hard all week and it was sweet to have this big win and finish our season with a record of 11-2,” said Coach Tracy Layne. Coach Kacy Williamson complimented the girls on how well they did, but also noticed how far they’ve come during the season.
“I cannot believe it was our last home meet as Godwin gymnasts! It was a really close competition, but everyone put forth solid routines and contributed to the win. Definitely a memorable meet for everyone! Now we all begin working of new skills and improving on our routines for the conference meet in a few weeks,” said Grow.
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