Golf Awards:
Most Improved- Chris Powell
Most Valuable Player- Mark Lawrence
Cheering Awards:
Most Improved- Corinne Downa
Coaches’ Award- Haley Corning and Emily Guinn
Football Awards:
Iron Eagle- Zach Partin
Most Valuable Defensive Player- A.B. Rhodes
Most Valuable Offensive Player- Delton Dunkum
Boys Volleyball:
Most Improved- Bryan Marter
Most Valuable Player- Thomas Wood
Coaches’ Award- Chaz Carroll
Field Hockey Awards:
Most Valuable Player- Hannah Etter
Girls Volleyball Awards:
Most Valuable Player- Mackenzie Brewer
Offensive Player- Brady Brown
Boys Cross Country Awards:
Most Dedicated Runner- Zach Dalton
Coaches’ Award- Ryan Buisson
Most Valuable Runner- Ryan Fresco
Girls Cross Country Awards:
Most Dedicated Runner- Hannah Bullen
Coaches’ Award- Sarah Goodrich
Most Valuable Runner- Katharine Benfer
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